Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Just What I Needed!

Well as most of you know, I planned to spend this past weekend with OnFire. My husband, Princess and I took the eight hour pilgrimage to her new place. We had a wonderful time together. It was so nice just sitting in the same room sharing laughter, secrets, tears, etc.

My little princess had so much fun with OnFire's boys. She began standing on her own and cruising around furniture more than she did before we got here. I guess she has to try to keep up with them. I think that when we get home she is going to be bored to death (because I am definitely not as active as those boys.)

Ok, did you catch the "when" in the last sentence. That is right. I AM STILL HERE! Due to a recent family situation, OnFire has to travel back to Pennsylvania on Saturday. My wonderful husband left me here and did the eight hour drive by himself yesterday. OnFire and I get to spend a whole week together!!! I never expected this. Princess has the oppurtunity to learn more from the boys. OnFire and I get to catch up and enjoy each other. My husband gets a week of peace. And OnFire's husband has to deal with two women in the house while going to school (I think he gets the short end of the stick - sorry CJ.)

The last couple of weeks, I have been feeling down (part of the reason that I haven't blogged in a week.) This is just what I needed - some time with OnFire. She brings me joy and encouragement. God is good. I know that His hand was in all of this planning.

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