I was talking to On Fire the other day and she appologized for talking the whole time and not letting me talk. My response was "that's ok. I don't have the exciting life that you have. Mine is boring." The more I thought about that comment the more I thought I could tell her. I don't have a wedding to help plan, a husband in Bible school, an intern to plan, etc. I do have alot of new, fun things going on with my kiddos though - that's the majority of my life right now.
I could have told her that:
- *Little Guy is cruising everywhere! As long as he has something to hold on to, even a wall, he will get to where he wants to go. He is fast too.
- *LG does not crawl a normal crawl. He does the "army crawl". I think in honor of Uncle Jesse.
- *This week LG, learned how to sit up from a laying position.
- *He also started to pull himself up to a standing position. (I walked in his room after nap time this morning and he was trying to pull himself in his crib. Hubby will be lowering the mattress tonight! We don't want this to happen to Little Guy.)
- *He signs (sometimes) "more" and "all done".
- *My baby is almost 1-year-old!!!
- *Princess is becoming more vocal. She tells us if she likes something or if something looks nice. Like she will tell Hubby, "I like shirt" and point to his shirt. Or a neighbors house was being painted. The next day she said, "paint nice."
- *She is also becoming more affectionate. She will come up to Hubby or me and say "hug, kiss". Then she will give us a big hug and kiss on the lips. Then and "esknose" kiss and butterfly kiss. We just melt.
- *She loves helping around the house. She always wants to help me clean (which since I use Shaklee, I don't mind her help). She likes to feed Little Guy.
- *She likes playing with Little Guy. Just today they were laying on the floor giggling. Princess was trying to roll LG over. I love watching them play.
I know I am the typical mom that can only talk about their kids. I just love watching them grow and learn. They change so quickly.
Yes! That's all the good stuff that I want to know about. Kids growing up are exciting in my book!
I can't wait to see them!
Believe me with two little ones I know your life isn't boring. My three guys kept me moving all the time at that age. Your life is exciting and new everyday. I loved those moments and would never want anything else.
You have a great family!!!!!
You do not have a boring life! You are a busy loving mom that gives 100% to your family 24/7.
You are thoughtful and caring, sensitive to others and genuine. In a Hollywood driven society, those qualities seem to be passed over - but that does not decrease the value!
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